miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

Review: Visigoths and Al-Ándalus

This morning we have been reviewing the first part of unit 1. To do so, we worked in groups and we created questions about Ages of History, Visigoths and Al-Ándalus.

As you know, we are going to use your questions to create a trivial and play the game in groups, so you should know the answers to all of them! Next to the photographs, you can read some of the questions so you can memorize them.

What is the difference between a city wall and an alcazaba?
An alcazaba is a fort for protection inside the city wall.

What are the main things inside Al-Ándalus legacy?
Architecture, maths, scholars and agriculture.

What is the capital of the Visigoths?
The capital of the Visigoths is Toledo.

When did the Visigothic kingdom exist?
The Visigothic kingdom existed from AD 456 until AD 711.

When did the Christian conquest of Granada happen?

In 1492.

When did the caliphate of Córdoba start?

The caliphate of Córdoba started in 929.

When did the battle of Guadalete happen?
The battle of Guadalete started in 711.

Is the zoco part of an Al-Ándalus city?
Yes, it is.

Which year did Al-Ándalus become independent?
Al-Ándalus became independent in 929.

When did Romans rule?
Romans ruled in the Ancient History.

When did the Middle Ages finish?
In 1492.

When did Visigoths rule?
Visigoths ruled in the Middle Ages.

When did Colombus arrive in America?
Colombus arrived in America in 1492.

Which event marked the end of Ancient History in Western Europe?
The fall of the Western Roman Empire.

What is the medina?
The medina is the place where craftspeople lived in the Al-Ándalus cities.

What is the city wall used for?
The city wall is used for protection.

When was the Tesoro de Guarrazar made?
In the 6th Century.

When were the Taifa kingdoms formed?
In 1031 a. C.

What thing was built before: the mosques or the aqueduct of Segovia?
The aqueduct of Segovia.

When did the Visigothic kingdom start and finish?
It started in 476 a.C, with the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and finished in 711 a.C, in the Battle of Guadalete.

If you want to add any question to the trivial, remember that you can write them in the commentaries section. Hope you like the post!


8 comentarios:

  1. Hello Tamara im Rocio, Celia is in my house.
    I love the photos of the Visigoths and Al - Andalus.
    Thank you Tamara
    Rocio and Celia

  2. Hello Tamara im here because i wanted to see the name of the song im

  3. Hello Tamara i see this the phos i like i im Rekia

  4. Hi tamara i am vicror i am sik so i am studi i swo the quetions thank you

  5. hello Tamara, i am studing to the trivial. Your information is so good.

  6. hello Tamara thanks for you information

  7. Hello Tamara and been watching it and it's very cool hangs more please


  8. https://www.educa2.madrid.org/web/aula-virtual-severo-ochoa/unit-6.-demography

    look this video
