martes, 15 de octubre de 2019


In Social Science we are studying the Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula. As you know, Muslims started ruling in 711 AD, after the battle of......... you should know it! If you don't know the name of this battle, you can watch the following video and review the schemes in your notebook:

Muslim's architecture is part of their legacy in our country. One of the best Islamic buildings in Spain is the Mosque of Córdoba. If you click on the following link, you can travel to this city in Andalucía and see the horseshoe arches that Muslims constructed in the 8th Century.
La mezquita de Córdoba

I hope you liked the tour and find it useful. Remember that you can write any question you may have in the commentaries. If you don't have a Google account, you have to choose the option: 'anónimo', but don't forget to write your name at the end of your post!


1 comentario:

  1. thank you Tamara , I am SOPHIE and this video helps me more to understand the visigoths,muslims and christians.
