martes, 13 de octubre de 2020

The sight!!!Let's see!!

Hi kids!!!! Do you remember last week we were talking about the SIGHT and the organ in charge of it? Sure!!! 

I have some great videos for you to watch (we already watched some of them and others are new for you). It's sooooo important that you pay attention to them (the content and the language used) and take notes about everything you consider relevant and usefull for sharing with your classmates and with me!!!! 


Write the notes and ideas, you get from the videos or your own research, in your Science Notebook. And, please, take into account the order in your notes, precision of your handwriting, use of colours and capital letters, use of lines and arrows if you want to organize it better...What I mean is: take your time to do it and do it with care and love.

Remember the next step in the study of the senses will be to create giant senses organs and explain their proper working, that's why you need to be completly focused when watching and listening these videos. 

I'll also include videos about HEARING, SMELL, TASTE AND TOUCH.

Are you ready???!!!! Let'sseeeeeee!!!!!!!

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