jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

Thursday 28th May. English and Social Science

Good morning!

In this post, I share three videos with you. In the fist two videos, you have the explanation of page 107 in your pupil's book, English. Pay attention because you will need the explanation for the exercices you have to do tomorrow. Here you have the video of the explanation using a PowerPoint (para acceder al PowerPoint, haced click AQUÍ.):

Además, os añado una pequeña explicación de la página de vuestro libro:

Then, I've recorded the explanation of page 95 of your Social Science book, speaking about how businesses are organized. I hope you understand everything!


2 comentarios:

  1. Hello Tamara,
    I understood everything,
    Here you have the solutions of the exercise 1: 1-C 2-A 3-D 4-B
